What is CREG?

CREG is a partnership between the Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, the Nevada mining industry, and the U.S. Geological Survey. These partners pool their resources to fund research that is both fundamental in understanding the genesis of mineral deposits and applicable to the discovery and production of mineral deposits. The original mutually supportive goals of the CREG program continue to be to:

  1. Prepare well-educated professionals for careers in the Mining Industry and Research by exposing them to a wealth of expertise within the School, the industry, and the USGS.

  2. Produce and publish high-quality research results on topics of critical interest to the Nevada mining industry.

The CREG program is a center of study and learning that is leading to a greater understanding of the geology, geochemistry, geophysics, genesis and exploration of mineral deposits, especially Nevada’s famous Carlin-type gold deposits, which make the U.S. the third leading gold producer in the world. The pooled resources within CREG are mainly used to fund graduate students to complete Masters and PhD theses in the Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering at UNR.

Why Join CREG?


Simon Jowitt
CREG Director
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology

Newmont Round Mountain

Mining again in Newmont Mining's Carlin open-pit--the first deposit discovered on the Carlin Trend in 1961, which started Nevada's ongoing gold boom. (above)


The Round Mountain open pit mine, one of the worlds largest epithermal gold deposits, operated by Kinross Gold. (right)