Secretarial Orders 3404 and 3405

Introduced in November, 2021 - SO 3404 (Declaring “Squaw” a Derogatory Term and Implementing Procedures to Remove the Term from Federal Usage) and SO3405 (which establishes a Federal Advisory Committee to broadly solicit, review, and recommend changes to other derogatory geographic names).

Nevada Names by County

Please see more Information here: Press Release

Secretarial Order 3404: Link to Document Here

Secretarial Order 3405: Link to Document Here


The current deadline to submit comments/name suggestions for the sites on the list of offensive names is April 25, 2022.

Interactive map of sites with offensive names currently being managed by the Task Force: Link Here

Tribal Comments/Name Suggestions can be submitted to the Task Force managing SO 3404 at:

ALL REPLACEMENT NAME SUGGESTIONS PERTAINING TO S.O. 3404 MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE TASK FORCE (do not submit these to the U.S. Board on Geographic Names for any offensive place names - use the contact information for the Task Force).