Agency Mapping Priorities for 1999-2001
The information we gain from your input i.e., your agencies digital mapping requirements, will be used to develop a comprehensive list of mapping requirements for Nevada. This list can then be used in determining if there are areas of overlapping requirements with other agencies that may already have a mapping program underway or that may be considering the importance of updating or creating new digital map coverages of various areas.
Please provide a written justification for the mapping requirement. Include agency name, name of individual making the request, identify if funds are available for co-operative funding of the project, and list the reasons for the importance of the project. Is the mapping significant for land use planning purposes or has the area seen significant development which has left the existing data set far removed from reality? Is it an active mining or exploration area, are there water or other critical resource questions associated with the area, is the area visited by many recreational users, is the mapping being requested by emergency response personnel, etc?
After you have completed the justification use the attached graphic to highlight the area or just list the names of the quadrangles that cover the area of interest and return the Graphic and written justification to:
Ron Hess
Executive Secretary
Nevada State Mapping Advisory Committee
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
University of Nevada, Reno, M.S. 178
(775) 784-6691 x 121
FAX (775) 784-1709
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Ron Hess at (775) 784-6691 Ext. 121 or via email at