NBMG exceptions to GEOLEX


NBMG uses the terminology and capitalization for formal unit names listed in GEOLEX with the following exceptions:

NBMG does not use the revised term “Dolostone” that is found in GEOLEX. NBMG adheres to the original term “Dolomite.” Please use the term “Dolomite” (with upper case “D”) instead of “Dolostone” for formal unit names in NBMG publications.

Reference to the original term “Dolomite” can be found in the following NBMG publication:

Bulletin 72 - Correlation of Great Basin Stratigraphic Units, by Ralph L. Langenheim, Jr. and E. R. Larson, Co-Chairmen, 1973.

The index to Bulletin 72 lists units in the following ways:
Index A - alphabetically by name
Index B - alphabetically by epoch
Index C - alphabetically by rock type
Index D - alphabetically by groups, members, sequences, series, and tongues