Rachel Micander
Geologic Information Specialist
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering
University of Nevada, RenoBusiness telephone: (775) 682-8767
E-mail: rmicander@unr.eduEducation
Current M.S. student in Geology, University of Nevada, Reno
B.S. Geology, University of Nevada, Reno, 2010
A.S. Natural Sciences, Sierra College, Grass Valley, California, 2006
A.A. Liberal Arts, Sierra College, Grass Valley, California, 2006Areas of Expertise
Earth science education and outreach, K-12
Web Mapping Applications
Open Data and Nevada Geospatial Data
Cartography and GIS
Nevada geographic information
Nevada mining districts and abandoned mine landsProfessional Work Experience
Geologic Information Specialist, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (2021 – present)
Analyst - GIS and Cartography, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (2018 - 2021)
Cartographer/GIS Specialist, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (2014 - 2018)
GIS Specialist and Geologist, Nevada Division of Minerals (2010 - 2014)Committees and Other Activities
National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC)- Nevada State Representative
Nevada Mining Association Education Committee
Nevada Hazard Mitigation Planning Subcommittee
Nevada Abandoned Mine Lands Environmental Taskforce (NAMLET)
Nevada Geographic Information Society (NGIS)
Rebelle Rally (Navigator) - 9th place finish, 2016
Awards and Publications
2021 College of Science and Mackay School Young Alumni of the Year
Outstanding Bachelors of Science Student, Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 2010
3rd Place “Cartographic” category for cartographic work on the Minden quadrangle geologic map, Nevada Geographic Information Society, 2015.
1st Place “Artographic” category for cartographic work on MyHAZARDS-NEVADA: using the web map to identify hazards from earthquakes, floods, fires, and othern natural hazards, Nevada Geographic Information Society, 2018
1st Place “People's Choice” category for cartographic work on MyHAZARDS-NEVADA: using the web map to identify hazards from earthquakes, floods, fires, and othern natural hazards, Nevada Geographic Information Society, 2018
Micander, R. and Faulds, J.E., 2020, Exploring the Hot Springs Mountains—a virtual tour for Earth Science Week, 2020 (Guide for the Earth Science Week virtual field trip, October 17, 2020): Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Educational Series 66, 20 p.
Ressel, M., Micander, R., Hursh, J., Russell, S., and Sophy, M., 2019, Lode and behold! Geology and natural resources of the Truckee Meadows and Virginia City (Guide for the Earth Science Week Field Trip, October 12, 2019): Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Educational Series 65, 25 p.
dePolo, C.M., Henry, C.D., Zuza, A.V., Micander, R., and Faulds, J.E., 2018, Sparkling or still? A tour of geology from Soda Lakes to Stillwater Marsh, Nevada (Guide for the Earth Science Week Field Trip, October 13, 2018): Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Educational Series 63, 25 p.