Joseph V. Tingley
Research Geologist (Emeritus)
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering
University of Nevada, RenoBusiness telephone: (775) 682-8771
FAX: (775) 784-1709
B.S. Mining Engineering, University of Idaho, 1960
M.S. Mining Engineering, University of Nevada, 1963
Registered Professional Engineer (Mining), No. 2644, Nevada
Registered Geologist, No. 1542, California
Areas of Expertise
Management of mineral inventory programs
Mineral land evaluation and assessment
Nevada mining districts
Nevada ore deposits
Geology and trace element geochemistry of metallic ore deposits
Nevada mining history
Professional Work Experience
Economic Geologist, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (1978-present)
Senior Geologist, Utah International, Inc., Reno, Nevada (1977-78)
Geologist, General Electric Co., Winnemucca, Nevada (1973-77)
Senior Geological Engineer, Hazen Research, Inc., Winnemucca, Nevada (1972-73)
Consulting Mining Geologist, Reno, Nevada (1969-72)
Senior Geologist, Union Pacific Railroad, Natural Resources Division (1967-69)
Geologist, Superior Oil Co., Minerals Division, Tucson, Arizona (1963-65, 1966-67)
Chief Engineer, New Idria Mine, Idria, California (1965-66)
Geologist, Susquehanna Western, Inc., Riverton, Wyoming, and Falls City, Texas (1962-63)
Tingley, J.V., 2000, Major precious metals deposits, in The Nevada mineral industry 1999: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1999, p. 26-38.
Tingley, J.V., 2000, Foreword, in Jackson, W.T., Treasure Hill, portrait of a silver mining camp, 2000, (reprint of 1963 publication with new foreword by J.V. Tingley): University of Nevada Press, Reno, Nevada.
Tingley, J.V., and LaPointe, D.D., 2000, in Annual mining review, state activities: Mining Engineering, v. 52, no. 5, p. 75-83.
Tingley, J.V., and LaPointe, D.D., 2000, Metals, in The Nevada mineral industry 1999: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1999, p 10-25.
Tingley, J.V., and Pizarro, K.A., 2000, Traveling America's loneliest road, a geologic and natural history tour through Nevada along U.S. Highway 50: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication 26, 132 p.
Tingley, J.V., and Tingley, S.L., 2000, Exploring east of the summit, a field trip guide to Steamboat Springs, Lake Tahoe, and the Comstock area: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Educational Series E-38, 21 p.
Davis, D.A., and Tingley, J.V., 1999, Gold and silver resources in Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Map 120, 1:1,000,000.
Tingley, J.V., and Bonham, H.F. Jr., 1999, Major precious metals deposits, in The Nevada mineral industry 1998: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1998, p. 23-37.
Tingley, J.V., and LaPointe, D.D., 1999, Metals, in The Nevada mineral industry 1998: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1998, p 10-22.
Tingley, J.V., and Castor, S.B., 1999, Stream sediment exploration for gold and silver in Nevada-application of an old prospecting method using modern analytical techniques: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 66, p. 1-16.
Tingley, J.V., and LaPointe, D.D., 1999, in Annual mining review, state activities: Mining Engineering, v. 51, no. 5, p. 80-84.
Tingley, J.V., and Garside, L.J., 1999, Pah Rah Plan Amendment Area, Washoe County, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 99-12, 98 p.
Tingley, J.V., Castor, S.B., Garside, L.J., and LaPointe, D.D., 1999, Mineral and energy resource assessment of the Washoe County Open Space Plan Amendment Area, Washoe County, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 99-2, 382 p.
Tingley, J.V., and LaPointe, D.D., 1998, in Annual mining review, state activities: Mining Engineering, v. 50, no. 5, p. 92-96.
Tingley, J.V., 1998, Mining districts of Nevada (second edition): Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report 47, 128 p., 1:1,000,000.
Tingley, J.V., The Comstock, 1920 to 1997, in Smith, G.H., History of the Comstock Lode, 1850-1997, 1998, (reprint of 1943 publication with new material by J.V. Tingley): University of Nevada Press, Reno, Nevada.
Tingley, J.V., and Bonham, H.F. Jr., 1998, Major precious metals deposits, in The Nevada mineral industry 1997: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1997, p. 27-41.
Tingley, J.V., and LaPointe, D.D., 1998, Metals, in The Nevada mineral industry 1997: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1997, p. 10-26.
Tingley, J.V., and LaPointe, D.D., Nevada 1998, in Annual mining review, state activities: Mining Engineering, v. 50, no. 5, p. 92-96.
Tingley, J.V., Castor, S.B., Garside, L.J., and LaPointe, D.D., 1998, Mineral and energy resource assessment of the Carson City urban interface area, Carson City, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 98-5, 136 p.
Tingley, J.V., Castor, S.B., Weiss, S.I, Garside, L.J., Price, J.G., LaPointe, D.D., Bonham, H.F., Jr., and Lugaski, T.P., 1998, Mineral and energy resource assessment of the Nellis Air Force Range, Clark, Lincoln, and Nye Counties, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 98-1, 2 vols., 800 p.
Tingley, J.V., and LaPointe, D.D., 1997, Metals, in The Nevada mineral industry 1996: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1996, p. 9–23.
Tingley, J.V., and La Pointe, D.D., 1996, Metals, in The Nevada mineral industry 1995: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1995, p. 9–19.
Tingley, J.V., 1995, Metals, in The Nevada mineral industry 1994: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication MI-1994, p. 11-22.
Tingley, J.V., Horton, R.C., and Lincoln, F.C., 1993, Outline of Nevada mining history: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication 15, 48 p.
Tingley, J.V., Castor, S.B., Garside, L.J., Bonham, H.F., Jr., Lugaski, T.P., and Lechler, P.J., 1993, Energy and mineral resources of the Desert National Wildlife Range, eastern section, Clark and Lincoln Counties, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 93-2, 372 p.
Tingley, J.V., 1992, Mining districts of Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report 47, 124 p.
LaPointe, D.D., Tingley, J.V., and Jones, R.B., 1991, Mineral resources of Elko County, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Bulletin 106, 236 p.
Tingley, J.V., 1991, Mineral resources of the Timpahute Range 30' by 60' Quadrangle: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report 46, 40 p.
Tingley, J.V., and Castor, S.B., 1991, Mineral resources inventory, Bureau of Land Management Schell Resource Area, Ely District, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Open-File Report 91-1, 296 p.
Tingley, J.V., 1989, Mineral resources of the Overton 30' by 60' Quadrangle, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report 45, 20 p.
Tingley, J.V., 1989, Mineral resources of the Pahranagat Range 30' by 60' Quadrangle, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report 44, 16 p.
Tingley, J.V., 1989, Mineral resources of the Kumiva Peak 30' by 60' Quadrangle, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report 43, 24 p.
Stager, H.K., and Tingley, J.V., 1988, Tungsten deposits in Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Bulletin 105, 256 p.
Tingley, J.V., and Bonham, H.F. Jr., eds., 1986, Precious- metal mineralization in hot springs systems, Nevada-California: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report 41, 136 p.
Tingley, J.V., and Bonham, H.F., Jr., eds., 1986, Sediment- hosted precious-metal deposits of northern Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Report 40, 103 p.
Tingley, J.V., and Berger, B.R., 1985, Round Mountain Mine, in Geologic characteristics of sediment- and volcanic-hosted disseminated gold deposits: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1646, p. 138-141.
Tingley, J.V., and Berger, B.R., 1985, Lode Gold Deposits of Round Mountain, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Bulletin 100, 62 p.