Susan L. Tingley
Publication Manager/Senior Cartographer (Emeritus)
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Mackay School of Mines
University of Nevada, RenoBusiness telephone: (775) 682-8771
Business FAX: (775) 784-1709
B.A. with highest honors, Geography/Cartography, University of California, Los Angeles, 1966
Areas of Expertise
Geologic cartography
Computerized cartographic production
Geographic names
Professional Work Experience
Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (December 1970 - present)
Editor/Publication Manager/Geologic Cartographer, Rank II (July 1981 - present)
Editor/Publication Manager/Geologic Cartographer, Rank I (July 1978 - June 1981)
Geologic Cartographer/Publication Manager (July 1972 - June 1978)
Geologic Cartographer (December 1970 - June 1972)
Deputy to the Director (April 1983 - May 1987)Isochron/West, The Bulletin of Isotopic Geochronology, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Associate Editor (1977 - 1984)
University of California, Los Angeles (1965 - 1972)
Geography Department, Research Assistant (1965 - 1972)
Academic Counselor in Geographic Studies for the Athletic Department (1967 - 1968)
School of Business Administration, Mexican-American Study Project, Researcher/Geographic Consultant/Illustrator (1966 - 1968)Santa Monica Unified School District, Geographic Studies Consultant/ Cartographer (1965 - 1970)
University of California, Santa Barbara Geography Department, Cartographic Consultant (1967 - 1970)
Culver City Unified School District, Intern Teacher (1968 - 1969)
Cartographic Illustrator, free lance (1964 - 1978)
Selected PublicationsTingley, J.V., and Tingley, S.L., 2000, Exploring east of the summit, a field trip guide to Steamboat Springs, Lake Tahoe, and the Comstock area: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Educational Series E-38, 21 p.
DePolo, C.M., Jones, L.M., dePolo, D.M., and Tingley, S.L., 2000, Living with Earthquakes in Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication 27, 36 p.
Tingley, S.L., Chaney, R.L., and Pizarro, K.A., 1997, Adobe Illustrator for Macintosh—a cartographic solution at the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, in Proceedings of a Workshop on Digital Mapping Techniques: Methods for Geologic Map Data Capture, Management and Publication: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-269, p 27-30.
Tingley, S.L., and Newman, L.P., 1991, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Publications through 1989, an annotated bibliography with index: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication 12, 192 p.
Weimer-McMillion, B., Tingley, S.L., and Schilling, J., 1983, Bibliography of Nevada geology and mineral resources through 1980--an alphabetical listing by author: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication 7.
Erwin, J.W., Nichols, S.L., Godson, R.H., and Hill, P.L., 1980, Aeromagnetic map index of Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Map 62.
Murphy, J.B., Nichols, S.L., and Schilling, J.H., 1975, Rockhound's map of Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Special Publication 1.
Nichols, S.L., 1972, Topographic Map of Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Map 43.
Lutsey, I.A., and Nichols, S.L., 1972, Land status map of Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology Map 40.
Other Professional Activities
Chairman, Nevada State Board on Geographic Names, since September 17, 1987; Acting Executive Secretary September 1995 to January 1996; Acting Chairman April 21 to September 16, 1987; member since 1985
Professional Societies
Western States Geographic Names Council
Association of Earth Science Editors
Association of Pacific Coast Geographers
Awards and Honor Societies
Phi Beta Kappa, national scholastic honorary society, elected 1966